Financial regulation

EPRA company members are subject to various regulations applying to the financial markets. Our goal is to contribute to well-designed EU legislation that serves both regulatory and stability objectives, the economic interests of the listed property sector and the broader economy.    

The Capital Markets Union (CMU) is one of the flagship projects of the European Commission and aims to deepen the single market for capital across the EU. It is our view that the European listed property sector needs a more neutral and investment-friendly tax system, more inward and intra-EU investments, Europe to work smarter to fill the pensions gap and the withholding tax refund procedures improved as they prevent cross-border investments.


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European Policy Manifesto
European Policy Manifesto
Listed real estate sector is part of the solution to empower the EU to deliver on its ambitions internally and elevate its leadership externally. EPRA proposes a set of recommendations for policymakeras in order to address these challenges.
EPRA letter on cross-border investments and European REITs
EPRA letter on cross-border investments and European REITs
Call on the EC to develop recommendations to address a mutual recognition of REIT regimes in Europe as part of the CMU.
EU and global tracker of COVID-19 public health measures
EU and global tracker of COVID-19 public health measures
During these fast-changing times, to help you better track the situation, we have contracted an external party to provide us with regular reports of COVID-19 public health measures and business supports across the globe.
EPRA response to the EIOPA consultation on the 2020 review of Solvency II
EPRA response to the EIOPA consultation on the 2020 review of Solvency II
EPRA considers it an important step towards ensuring the possibility of insurers to further contribute to long-term funding in capital.
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