Environment & Energy

Sustainability in the real estate sector is a prominent issue as the industry has a significant impact on the environment; buildings are responsible for 40% of energy consumption and 36% of CO2 emissions in the EU. Given the great impact of potential reductions, the EU promotes policy instruments and initiatives to improve the environmental performance of buildings through their entire life cycle.


Download latest documents


Energy Efficiency Directive

Proposal for amending the EED

EPRA Contribution to the EC Consultation on the WLC Roadmap_Sept2023.pdf


Download latest documents on EPBD


EPRA response to EU Common Certification Scheme

Financial Support for Energy Efficiency in Buildings

Financial Support for Energy Efficiency in Buildings

Energy Performance of Building Directive

Proposal for amending the EPBD


Download latest documents on EU framework of core indicators for the environmental performance of building


Draft report for consultation

Consultation Guide

Final draft


Download latest documents on other EPRA initiatives



White Paper: Impact of EU ETS & ETD on Real Estate Values

EREF letter to Mr. Juncker and Mr. Timmermans

Call for EP Intergroup with strengthened real estate focus

EREF - Key messages on the EU Urban Agenda