Sustainable finance

Financing sustainable development is the challenge of our time. This challenge is characterised above all by its urgency, embodied by the adoption of the Paris Agreement and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in 2015. As part of the discussion, the EU is developing a comprehensive strategy on sustainable finance, to increase the financial sector’s role in supporting the transition to a low-carbon, more resource-efficient and sustainable economy.


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Targeted consultation on the implementation of the Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation (SFDR)

EPRA & WGBC Factsheets on the EU Taxonomy

EPRA letter on SFDR's alignment with the EU Green Deal and Renovation strategy - June 2023

EPRA's response on the ESAs’ Joint Consultation Paper

EPRA feedback on the EU Taxonomy Delegated Acts

EPRA feedback to the Platform on the draft EU Environmental Taxonomy - September 2021

EU Taxonomy: The case of listed real estate (Infographic)

EPRA welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on ESMA's Consultation on Guidelines regarding funds’ names using ESG or sustainability-related terms.

EPRA feedback on the Article 8 Delegated Act of the EU Taxonomy

EPRA response to ESAs consultation on TR disclosure regarding financial products

Letter from Commissioners McGuinness and Simson to EPRA on the concerns related to EU Taxonomy

Joint statement: European property investment industry welcomes the EU Taxonomy delegated act

EPRA feedback on the Commission Delegated Regulation on a climate change mitigation and adaptation taxonomy

European property investment industry’s role in promoting sustainable finance

EPRA Feedback on EU Taxonomy-related disclosure - September 2020

EPRA letter on How the EU Taxonomy undercuts the objectives of the Green Deal

EPRA Feedback on a climate change mitigation and adaptation taxonomy - April 2020

EPRA Position on the EU Taxonomy Proposal - October 2019

Call for feedback on TEG report on EU Taxonomy - EPRA response - September 2019

EPRA Position on the EU Technical Taxonomy Report - October 2019

TEG report on EU Taxonomy - June 2019

Final Report 2018 by the HLG on Sustainable Finance

EPRA response to EC consultation on investors' ESG duties

Proposal for a regulation on the EU Taxonomy Proposal

EPRA’s feedback on the usability of the taxonomy

Interim Report by the High-Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance

EPRA INREV letter to HLG on Sustainable Finance

EPRA’s Feedback on the first round climate mitigation activities

Presentation of High-Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance

EPRA submission to the HLG's Interim Report on Sustainable Finance