Sustainable finance
Financing sustainable development is the challenge of our time. This challenge is characterised above all by its urgency, embodied by the adoption of the Paris Agreement and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in 2015. As part of the discussion, the EU is developing a comprehensive strategy on sustainable finance, to increase the financial sector’s role in supporting the transition to a low-carbon, more resource-efficient and sustainable economy.
EPRA & WGBC Factsheets on EU Taxonomy
Showcased at our webinar ‘Implementing EU Taxonomy across the European built environment’ on 12 October 2023, hosted in partnership with World Green Building Council, the factsheets focus on the key energy efficiency criteria.
European property investment industry’s role in promoting sustainable finance
EPRA, INREV and RICS address a joint statement to EU policy makers to contribute to the debate on promotion of sustainable finance. Read more
EPRA Position Paper on the EU Taxonomy Proposal
POSITION PAPER - EPRA welcomes the EU initiative on sustainable finance and recommends exploring the inclusion of listed equity to the scope of the Regulation.
Sustainability Reporting for Listed Real Estate Companies
INFOGRAPHIC - discover the main pillars of a sustainability strategy, the main benefits of adopting sustainability practices and the close-up on ESG disclosures and reporting.
EU Final Report on Sustainable Finance
The High-Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance presented its final report on how to finance a sustainable European economy
Follow with us the latest updates from the European Commission's Directorate-General for Energy
EPRA submission to the Renewed Sustainable Finance Consultation
Have a look at EPRA submission to the European Commission's Consultation of the renewed sustainable finance strategy