Investor resources

We have selected a broad range of listed real estate reports, research and general information to support your review of the sector. You will find a selection of the reports that we hold within the downloads below. We hold a bank of information that is substantially larger and if you are interested in a particular topic, please do not hesitate to contact one of the investor outreach team.

Download latest resources

Real Estate Barometer H1 2020

EPRA Global REIT Survey 2020

Global Real Estate Total Market Table - Q2 2020

Global Real Estate Total Markets Table - Q4 2019

Listed real estate in a multi-asset portfolio

EPRA Global REIT Survey 2019

Asset allocation, cost of investing and performance of European DB pension funds

Listed REITs in the European Union

Are public and private real estate returns and risks the same?

The use of listed real estate securities in asset management

Listed and private real estate: putting the pieces back together

Real estate in the real economy

FTSE EPRA Nareit Global Real Estate Index Series Ground Rules

EPRA Best Practices Recommendations Guidelines

EPRA Sustainability Best Practices Recommendations Guidelines