Sustainability reporting
Voluntary sustainability reporting has become increasingly common in the European real estate sector - particularly among larger listed real estate companies. The growing policy debate over the past years has led to mandatory sustainability reporting regulation at both country and EU level. Investor’s interest in non-financial data has also grown rapidly. In response to this, since 2011, EPRA is actively influencing the debate through different initiatives including the development of Sustainability BPR and guidance for European listed real estate companies.
The Carbon Transition Playbook
This report, a collaboration between EPRA and JLL, addresses the critical role of real estate in global decarbonization efforts, particularly in achieving net zero carbon emissions. As carbon reduction initiatives become more complex and widespread, the report provides essential context and a comparative overview of global and European carbon initiatives, with a focus on country-specific actions informed by EPRA members. Through case studies from corporate members of the EPRA Sustainability Committee, the report offers practical insights into the challenges and benefits of implementing these initiatives, helping organizations make informed decisions and advance towards net zero goals.
EPRA sBPR Guidelines
EPRA sBPR Guidelines provide a consistent way of measuring sustainability performance in the same way that BPR for financial reporting have made the financial statements of listed real estate companies in Europe clearer and more comparable. The fourth edition of the guidelines, released in April 2024, is designed to help companies managing the reporting complexities as mandated by the “sector-agnostic” European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), while also making the guidelines more comprehensive.
CRREM - EPRA Green Governance Report
The CRREM initiative releases a report on Green Governance and how to implement and develop feasible Net Zero Transition Plans in the real estate industry. The report was authored by the CRREM team and supported by EPRA and UNEP FI.
EPRA sBPR Materiality Assessment Guidance for Listed Real Estate
There is an increasing expectation on companies to conduct a materiality review as a pre-requisite for reporting against both voluntary and mandatory sustainability reporting standards.
Material topics for a reporting organisation include those topics that have a direct or indirect impact on an organisation’s ability to create, preserve or erode economic, environmental and social value for itself, its stakeholders and society at large.
EPRA Emerging Topics in Listed Real Estate
As reporting trends and stakeholder expectations continue to progress, it is essential to remain ahead of the curve in understanding emerging topics and incorporating them into sustainability reporting and operations.
This document explores several key emerging topics in listed real estate that do not currently warrant their own Sustainability Performance Measures in the EPRA Sustainability Best Practice Recommendations (sBPR) guidelines.