Residential real estate in Europe: Evolution and outlook 2021

Residential real estate - Becoming the largest sector in Europe

Residential is one of those segments easily associated with real estate by the general public.

However, in the listed industry, many property companies operate a business model that is far beyond the standard home-rental structure.

Despite the fact that residential landlords have long been considered part of the traditional real estate industry in North America and some parts of Asia, in Europe this sector was represented by very few companies for several years.

In the last decade, new players have appeared and the existing ones have expanded, bringing a lot of attention and investment capital into the residential scope and creating new sub-sectors that now offer significant diversity in terms of geographies, activities, fundamental drivers and social impact.

FTSE Russell is joined by special guests from EPRA and Morgan Stanley to analyse some of the main trends observed in residential listed real estate in Europe, focusing in particular on those companies included in the FTSE EPRA Nareit Developed Europe Index. Webinar topics:
- The different sub-sectors and their characteristics making it unique compared to other regions
- Demographic drivers that have promoted its recent expansion
- Players outside of the index universe that remain relevant for understanding the industry
- Examples of innovation, social impact and sustainability
- Experts’ expectations and possible changes for the sector in 2021

3 February 2021


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David Moreno (EPRA);

Christopher Fremantle (Morgan Stanley);

Catherine Yoshimoto (FTSE Russell)


Read EPRA's research report: HERE 

For more information about the FTSE EPRA Nareit Developed Europe Index: HERE