EPRA - KPMG LTV Workshop

June 8, 9 am -10 am CET 

Our next in-person event will be discussing the updated EPRA BPR Guidelines and the introduction of the new EPRA LTV (Loan-to-Value) metric. 

This workshop is part of our series of events in key European markets aimed at educating the real estate industry on the update and how reporting will be affected. 

Join us for an insightful presentation delivered by EPRA and KPMG France.

Kindly note this event is free of charge for you to participate. 
Make sure you register now to secure your place. Exceptionally, if you cannot join in person, we will provide you with a virtual attendance link closer to the date.

June 8, 2022
KPMG France HQ I Tour Eqho – 2 avenue Gambetta I 92066 Paris La Défense


This event is kindly hosted by

KPMG France

The EPRA LTV introduces a consistent and comparable metric for the sector, with the aim to assess the gearing of the shareholder equity within a real estate company. For more technical information and the implications of these changes please consult the updated BPR Guidelines and the FAQ document.